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Drone Soccer Demonstration

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
9:40 am - 10:30 am CT
Room: Room 4031
Technology Leaders/Support

The beautiful game takes flight! Come see a live demonstration of drone soccer, an innovative way to engage students in STEM learning. Along the way, we’ll also talk about our experiences starting a program in the Dixon school district, as well as the value we see in drone soccer for our students.

Drone soccer is a fairly new sport that’s gained popularity on the US’ east and west coasts. Here in the Midwest, Dixon schools are helping popularize this new form of competition, having just complete our middle and high school’s first year with the program. Along the way, we also hosted a regional tournament and sent two teams to compete at the National Championship in Alexandria, VA. We still have a lot to learn, but we look forward to sharing what we learned during our program’s early stages and helping other districts get their program off the ground (literally).

Nick Haws
Nick Haws
Systems Analyst, Dixon Public Schools

Nick Haws has been a technician and system administrator in a K-12 environment for nearly a decade. During that time, he has gained expertise in a wide variety of education and business systems. His most recent projects include implementing an inventory and ticketing system as well as helping to launch the District’s 1 to 1 initiatives. He was recently named Best Tech Guy 2022 by Mrs. Bork’s 4th grade class.