UTeach CS Principles

08 Jun 2022

Since 1997, UTeach at The University of Texas at Austin has prepared large numbers of STEM majors to enter (and stay) in secondary classrooms, and since 2007, almost 50 universities across the country have established their own UTeach programs with implementation support from the UTeach Institute. In 2015, the UTeach CS program was established to build on the expertise UTeach has developed around scaling and sustaining effective programs. We’ve developed and begun scaling an AP version of the project-based CS Principles course developed primarily in UT Austin’s CS Department by two highly recognized CS teachers and UTeach graduates. Now an AP CS Principles curricula endorsed by the College Board, UTeach CS Principles is being offered in about 300 high schools in 2016–17. Building on UTeach’s foundation of teacher preparation and advocacy, UTeach CS Principles teachers receive intensive implementation training and support, including regional summer professional learning events, regular remote micro-workshops during the school year, dedicated phone/email coaching, and access to an online community of practice. By 2017, an online professional learning course will be available to teachers and others who are otherwise unable to attend a summer workshop