School Law Update: Top Tech Issues for the 2022-23 School Year

31 Oct 2022

Presenter: Brandon K. Wright, of Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk, & Miller, LTD.

00:00 Introduction
01:25 Train & Communicate with ALL employees about SOPPA & data privacy
04:36 Create a data privacy officer and ed tech committee
06:24 Data privacy is not limited to SOPPA
15:04 Be prepared for ransomware attacks
17:16 Consider constitutional privacy rights in student tech & devices
27:07 Ensure accessibility for students with disabilities
30:45 Supreme Court requires attention to student social media
41:51 Use threat assessment procedures for online threats
45:36 Don’t forget the legal issues inherent in district-operated social media
47:55 Use your school’s networks, email, and other systems in a professional manner

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