Amy Graham

Amy Graham

Instructional Technology Coach

About Amy Graham

Amy Graham is an LTC Instructional Technology Coach with a background in elementary education and a passion for educational technology. She is a graduate of Bradley University in Peoria, IL, with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. Based in the Illinois Valley, Amy works with districts on innovative practices, technology integration, and professional development. When her kids aren’t keeping her and her husband busy, she enjoys traveling, being outdoors, reading, and spending time with friends and family.


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LTC EdTech Coaches Meeting

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Join our monthly virtual networking group and connect with Illinois’ growing instructional technology coaching community.

Amy Graham
Amy Graham
Instructional Technology Coach, Learning Technology Center

LTC EdTech Coaches Meeting

| Free

Join our monthly virtual networking group and connect with Illinois’ growing instructional technology coaching community.

Amy Graham
Amy Graham
Instructional Technology Coach, Learning Technology Center