Become a Vendor Partner

ILTPP is a statewide cooperative that was developed for schools in Illinois served by the Illinois State Board of Education and its Regional Offices of Education. The goal of ILTPP is to provide a voluntary purchasing program that combines the purchasing power of Illinois school districts and other eligible entities to offer aggressive pricing on technology products and services.

To achieve this goal, ILTPP secures strategic partnerships with some of the most innovative organizations in educational technology. Our vendor partnerships are ongoing, purposeful, substantive and mutually-beneficial collaborations.


Become an ILTPP Partner and Contract Holder

Manufacturers and resellers have the opportunity to be awarded an ILTPP contract by winning a Request for Proposals (RFP) or entering a Sole-Source Agreement.

Competitively Bid Contracts

Competitively bid contracts start with a Request for Proposals (RFP) from ILTPP or the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA). For the competitive bidding processes, AEPA uses an online, eProcurement service called Public Purchase.

Sole-Source Agreements

Sole-Source Agreements start with a nomination from ILTPP members, or when a potential partner submits the ILTPP Partner Applications. Nominations and applications are reviewed by ILTPP members, and if approved, the ILTPP Purchasing Coordinator works with the vendor to develop contractual terms beneficial to ILTPP members and the vendor. The ILTPP conducts quarterly reviews of vendor applications, prioritizing partners that align with ILTPP’s mission, provide competitive pricing, have a footprint in Illinois, and have been in business for 5+ years.


We are a strategic partner with a local reach. Connect with Illinois through marketing and events.

ILTPP has a strong relationship with school districts and purchasing agents in Illinois, and ILTPP partners gain access to new markets, connections, and opportunities. In addition, ILTPP offers partners these unique benefits:

  • Advertising on the ILTPP webpage, including company logo and contract details on custom partner page
  • Monthly e-newsletter features, including but not limited to, new product announcements, specials, webinar announcement/details, showcase or other event details
  • Advertising of partnership and product offerings at conferences that ILTPP attends as an exhibitor, including print collateral and promotional items provided by supplier
  • Opportunities to host special events, such as showcases, lunch and learns, and webinars.

Partner Resources

Resources for existing partners.

ILTPP Marketplace

The ILTPP Markeplace uses Equal Level’s procurement platform to facilitate purchases. View our ILTPP Marketplace FAQ.

Submit Quarterly Reports

Purchases are reported by the partner to ILTPP every quarter. A sample of the quarterly report is available for reference.

LTC Awards

All ILTPP partners are eligible the the LTC Alliance Award. The Alliance Award recognizes private sector partners who uniquely support and impact school districts through collaborations, partnerships, and alignment with student learning.

Sponsorship Opportunities

ILTPP partners interested in further connecting with schools may consider sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities offered by these conferences:

  • IETC. An annual in-person conference in central Illinois.
  • SecurED Schools. A multi-state virtual conference on cybersecurity and data privacy.
  • SummIT. An in-person summer networking and professional learning opportunity for IT leaders.