Present at IETC 2024

Share your insights and experience in front of a statewide audience. There’s something in it for you, too!

You did it!

Thank you for submitting a session proposal for IETC. Questions can be directed toward

Share your Voice

Individuals representing all academic disciplines and levels in the educational system and all phases of technology education are welcome to submit proposals to present at IETC 2024.

Sessions are selected based on relevance to current educational technology trends and best practices.

Proposal submissions are now closed. Prospective presenters are encouraged to watch their email for further notifications and updates.

Presenter Details

Please refer to the following information as you prepare for IETC. We hope these resources make your speaking experience smooth and enjoyable.

For assistance leading up to the conference, please contact Brian Bates at

Important Reminders

  • Register as an Attendee. Register as an attendee as soon as possible. Be sure to use the presenter discount code shared with you in your acceptance email.
  • Reserve your Hotel Room. If you are staying in Springfield, reserve a hotel room through our discounted hotel blocks.
  • Submit Presentation Slides & Resources. For the benefit of all attendees using our conference app, we ask that you submit your presentation slide deck and all supplemental resources before November 1, 2024. All resources can be submitted to Brian Bates (

Proposal Details

Key Details


  • Proposals Open: March 1
  • Proposal Deadline: April 30
  • Acceptance Deadline: May 24

Session Formats

  • Breakout sessions (50 minutes)
  • Workshops (1 hour and 50 minutes)
  • Poster session
  • Exhibitor Partner Product sessions (30 minutes)


  • K-12 Teachers
  • Technology Coaches
  • Administrators
  • Instructional Leaders
  • IT Leaders & Staff
  • Library Media Specialists

Presentation Strands

Here are just a few of the timely topics you can share your insights on at IETC:

Digital Learning & Innovative Practices Subs-Strands

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
  • STEM
  • Online Tools, Apps, and Resources
  • Game-Based Learning and Gamification
  • Computer Science and Conceptual Thinking
  • English Language Learning (ELL)
  • Special Education/Assistive and Adaptive Technologies
  • Instruction Design and Delivery
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality

Technology Infrastructure Sub-Strands

  • Technology Planning and Evaluation
  • Management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Privacy
  • Emergent Technologies
  • Support Tools/Programs

Digital Leadership & Professional Development Subs-Strands

  • Technology Planning and Evaluation
  • Educational Policy and Leadership
  • Curriculum Planning and Evaluation
  • Coaching
  • Funding
  • Digital Equity
  • Professional Development

Presenter Benefits

Free Registration

Lead presenters will receive complimentary registration, including access to paid workshops. A discount code will be provided to you in your proposal acceptance email. When using this code, please select “Invoice Me” when prompted.

NOTE: All co-presenters are responsible for paying appropriate registration fees.  Free presenter registration does not include vendors presenting product sessions.

Additional Resources

Presentation Suggestions

As you prepare your presentations, please consider the following:

  • Plan Out your Presentation: Practice your presentation in full before arriving. Time yourself to ensure you are not exceeding your allotted session period. At the same time, don’t rush yourself. One slide every 2-3 minutes of presentation should provide adequate pacing for your audience.
  • Keep It SimpleUse simple, easy-to-understand graphics that can easily interpreted at a distance. Cite your image sources.
  • Minimize TextKeep text on your slides to a minimum. Slides should enhance the presenter, not compete with them.
  • Maximize Visibility: For both graphics and text, always use high contrast color. Black text on a white background is best for all viewers.
  • Share in AdvanceMake your presentation available before you begin so participants can follow on their own device.
  • Keep an Eye on the TimeAs a courtesy to the next presenter and their need to set-up, please end your session on time and continue any networking conversations outside the presentation space.

AV Equipment & Room Setup

All breakout session rooms at the BOS Center will contain the following AV equipment and room setup:

  • Classroom-style seating
  • Projector
  • Projector Screen
  • Presenter Wi-Fi

The following items will not be provided and will be the responsibility of the presenter:

  • Personal laptop with presentation
  • Speakers for sound/video (if needed)
  • Appropriate HDMI or VGA adapter to connect laptop to projector
  • Any other electronics or adapters


Please register for the conference as soon as possible. Be sure to use the presenter discount code shared with you in your acceptance email.

Reminder: Only lead presenters are eligible for free registration (including paid workshops). All co-presenters are still responsible for registering and paying any appropriate fees.

Conference App

This year’s conference app will provide up-to-date session listings, locations, maps, and more.

More information about the conference app – including how you can utilize it as a presenter – will be provided Fall 2024.

Professional Development Tracking

This year, we will again be tracking attendee professional development credit/session attendance via badge scanning.

An IETC team member or volunteer will scan attendees badges as they enter your session. You will not need to keep track of attendance on your own.

Social Media Promotion Assets

Social media graphics, copy, and email signatures for IETC presenters will be made available Fall 2024.

Submit a Proposal

Make this the year you share your favorite edtech resource or strategy with your fellow teachers, coaches, K-12 leaders, and IT staff.

Proposal submissions are now closed.