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TeachGPT: How to Make AI Your TA

Mon. January 6, 2025 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm CST

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TeachGPT: How to Make AI Your TA

Mon. January 6, 2025 | 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm CST

AI will play an integral part in your students’ future careers. But what about YOUR career? Are you harnessing the power of AI to become more efficient and creative in your work as an educator? Are you embracing it as a valuable skill students will need to stay competitive in the future job market?

This workshop will demonstrate how you can use various AI tools as your personal teaching assistant to save you time, access more resources, and provide more personalized learning to students. We’ll demonstrate creative uses of the most commonly known generative AI programs like Chat GPT and Gemini. We’ll also demonstrate other AI-powered tools that are custom-designed for educators.

Together we’ll identify specific prompts and strategies you and your students can use to save time, energy, and brainpower for the human tasks that matter. You’ll learn strategies for introducing AI to your students, teaching them its safe, productive, and ethical use, and using it as a tool to level the educational playing field.

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
PD Hours


PD Hours


Newark High School
413 Chicago Rd
Newark, IL 60541 United States
View on Google Maps


Matt Sherrill
Matt Sherrill
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | East Central Region, Learning Technology Center