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ROE 20, ROE 12, ROE 13 Technology Roundtable

Tue. February 25, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CST

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ROE 20, ROE 12, ROE 13 Technology Roundtable

Tue. February 25, 2025 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CST

Join us for an open discussion on the current state of technology in our schools. This networking meeting is designed for technology directors, instructional technology coaches, and anyone interested in the intersection of education and IT. We’ll tackle challenges, share successes, and explore the evolving edtech landscape. Come brainstorm, ask questions, and connect with colleagues. Whether you’re seeking solutions, want to stay ahead of trends, or need a supportive space, this meeting is for you!

Focus Area
Technology Planning, Procurement, and Evaluation
Southern Illinois
PD Hours


Carmi-White County CUSD 5
211 W Robinson St
Carmi, 62821 United States
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Southern Illinois
PD Hours


Emily Flach
Emily Flach
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Southern Region, Learning Technology Center