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Level the Playing Field: Tech-Powered Translation Tools for ELL Success

Fri. January 31, 2025 8:30 am - 11:30 am CST

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Level the Playing Field: Tech-Powered Translation Tools for ELL Success

Fri. January 31, 2025 | 8:30 am - 11:30 am CST

Are you ready to transform your classroom into an equitable learning environment for all students?

This workshop will empower educators to leverage technology tools to support English Language Learners (ELLs). By combining hands-on experience with popular translation tools and AI-driven applications, you’ll learn practical strategies to create inclusive and equitable learning environments. Discover how to integrate AI and technology into lesson planning, assessment, and differentiation to foster collaboration, cultural exchange, and personalized learning experiences for ELL students.

This workshop will equip you with the skills to bridge the language gap, create accessible instructional materials, and provide targeted support, ensuring that every student reaches their full potential. Join us to unlock the power of AI and technology to level the playing field for your ELL students.

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
Southern Illinois
PD Hours


Southern Illinois
PD Hours


ROE 3: Bond/Christian/Effingham/Fayette/Montgomery
1500 W Jefferson St
Vandalia, Illinois 62471 1510 USA
View on Google Maps


Emily Flach
Emily Flach
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Southern Region, Learning Technology Center