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Esports Field Trip: East Alton-Wood River CHSD 14

Mon. March 24, 2025 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT

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Esports Field Trip: East Alton-Wood River CHSD 14

Mon. March 24, 2025 | 10:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT

Esports is an excellent way for students to participate in a team-based activity while developing social and practical skills that can lead to emergent college and career activities.

East Alton-Wood River CHSD 14’s esports program has fostered all three and offers students fresh opportunities to distinguish themselves based on their unique and valuable skill sets. Join us as we tour the EA-WR’s esports lab and learn more about their journey.
Representatives from the EA-WR’s esports program will be on hand to answer questions and highlight strategies they used to secure funding, develop a team culture, and promote their program to the broader student body.

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
Western Illinois
PD Hours


Western Illinois
PD Hours


East Alton-Wood River High School
777 N Wood River Ave
Wood River, IL 62095 United States
View on Google Maps


Lisa Schwartz
Lisa Schwartz
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | West Central Region, Learning Technology Center

Gerry Mattix-Wand
Gerry Mattix-Wand
Director of Technology, East Alton-Wood River Community High School