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Canva: Your Launchpad for Creative Learning

Wed. April 16, 2025 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT

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Canva: Your Launchpad for Creative Learning

Wed. April 16, 2025 | 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm CDT

Tired of the same old teaching routines? Blast boredom our of your classroom with Canva, which can help you and your students embark on a creative journey towards impactful learning.

With Canva in hand, educators in all grade levels and subjects can:
– Capture attention with eye-catching visuals and interactive presentations
– Ignite student creativity through engaging infographics, videos, storybooks, and dynamic portfolios
– Create truly transformative learning experiences that foster active participation, collaboration, and critical thinking

In your students hands, Canva’s user-friendly design tools can also be a powerful creative engine, not to mention a canvas for elevating student voice and choice.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just starting out, join us to discover how Canva can help your students become confident, capable, and creative learners!

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
Southern Illinois
PD Hours


Southern Illinois
PD Hours


U of I Extension Office, Carmi
1715 College Ave
Carmi, IL 62821 United States
View on Google Maps


Emily Flach
Emily Flach
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Southern Region, Learning Technology Center