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Canva in the Classroom

Fri. June 28, 2024 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm CDT

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Canva in the Classroom

Fri. June 28, 2024 | 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm CDT

Have you noticed the beautiful graphics educators are using in the classroom these days? It isn’t magic; they’re just using an innovative digital tool that makes it simple and easy to create visually appealing teaching materials

Join us to discover the “magic” of Canva, one of the most popular graphic design tools used by professionals and amateurs alike. Through hands-on activities and demonstrations, teachers will learn how to create eye-catching graphics, select appropriate fonts and colors, and manipulate images and text to create visually appealing presentations and digital teaching materials. Along the way, they’ll also discover how to use templates and pre-made graphics to save time and effort on every lesson plan.

Canva isn’t just a tool for teachers, though; students can also elevate their creative minds through Canva. In particular, its user-friendly interface makes it easy for learners of all ages to bring their creative vision to life in just a few clicks. Participants will learn strategies for integrating Canva into any content area, with a focus on utilizing Canva on Chromebooks.

Whether you are a seasoned graphic designer or a complete beginner, this workshop will provide you with the skills and confidence needed to create stunning graphics that will captivate and engage your students. Join us and discover the power of effective graphic design in education!

To fully participate in this workshop, attendees must sign up for a free educational Canva account before arriving.

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
Western Illinois
PD Hours


Western Illinois
PD Hours


Capital Area Career Center
2201 Toronto Road
Springfield, IL 62712 United States
View on Google Maps


Lisa Schwartz
Lisa Schwartz
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | West Central Region, Learning Technology Center