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Bringing NASA-Inspired STEM to your Classroom

Wed. December 4, 2024 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm CST

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Bringing NASA-Inspired STEM to your Classroom

Wed. December 4, 2024 | 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm CST

Mission control for STEM-centered learning is closer to home than you think! Join us for an introduction to the Challenger Learning Center at Heartland Community College. During this overview, we’ll highlight some of the Center’s programs and explore how their NGSS-aligned virtual missions can bring NASA-inspired STEM learning to your students.

Along the way, we’ll also take part in one of their live virtual missions and outline how these immersive virtual experiences can be easily integrated into your curriculum. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take you classroom’s STEM learning to the stars!

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
Online / Statewide
PD Hours


Online / Statewide
PD Hours


IL United States
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Lisa Schwartz
Lisa Schwartz
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | West Central Region, Learning Technology Center

Julia Ossler
Julia Ossler
Director, Heartland Community College