Scholarships & Stipends.

Receive a stipend and attend CS PD Week at a greatly reduced cost with these exclusive scholarships

Each year, CS PD Week partners with leading computer science advocates and industry leaders to provide financial support to eligible educators. This support lowers the financial barrier to entry for educators and provides greater access to high quality CS learning for all Illinois students, regardless of geography or socioeconomics.

Update: the cost to attend CS PD Week has been drastically reduced. See below for full details.

Core Program Award

In previous years, CS PD Week has awarded scholarships based on which track an attendee chose. Thanks to generous support from CSTA,, and the Illinois CS Equity grant, all qualifying CS PD Week attendees can now attend for only $50 ($100 for non-CSTA+ members), regardless of track.

Amount: Full program fees ($400 to $1,200 value)


This award is focused on supporting public K-12 educators in Illinois who are currently or plan to teach computer science. Eligible recipients must:

    • Teach in an Illinois K-12 public school for the 2025-2026 school year*
    • Complete all required pre-work and actively participate throughout the event in all professional learning
    • Implement the content covered during the event in their classrooms during the 2025-2026

*Private school teachers in Illinois may also qualify for this award, if remaining funds are available. If not, non-qualifying educators will be required to pay applicable program fees to attend.

Applicable Tracks:
All Tracks

How To Apply: No extra steps are needed to apply for this award. Simply complete the event registration application and your eligibility will be assessed based on submitted information.


With funding from CSTA,, and the Illinois CS Equity grant, Illinois K-12 public and public charter school teachers are eligible to receive a stipend for their participation in CS PD Week and follow-up professional learning during the following year.

Amount: $900 per attendee*

Eligibility: Educators must presently teach at or plan to teach in an Illinois school district. To receive the full stipend amount, CS PD Week attendees must attend all training days throughout the event.

*Terms: If attendees qualify, the Learning Technology Center (LTC) will pay a $900 stipend to the attendee’s school district at the end of October 2025. The district will disburse the stipend to the attendee, deducting applicable fees (such as TRS and taxes). This transaction requires a signed agreement between the LTC and the district, and the stipend will be paid only after the attendee successfully completes both the week-long event and follow-up training days.

Applicable Tracks:
All tracks

How To Apply: No extra steps are needed to apply for this stipend. Simply complete the event registration application and your eligibility will be assessed based on submitted information.

Lodging Compensation

With financial support from CSTA,, and the Illinois CS Equity grant, all CS PD Week attendees may have their lodging costs compensated.

Amount: Cost of hotel stay (full week)

Eligibility: Educators must presently teach at or plan to teach in an Illinois school district AND live at least 50 miles away from Springfield, IL*.

*Attendees living closer than 50 miles away from Springfield, IL, may also receive compensation, but those traveling from further than 50 miles away will be given priority for available funds.

Applicable Tracks:
All tracks

How To Apply: No extra steps need to be taken to apply. Simply complete the regular registration application and your eligibility will be assessed based on your traveling distance from Springfield, IL.

Scholarship Questions?

Contact Sarah Phelps to learn more.