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ROE 1 Tech Leadership Meeting

Wed. January 22, 2025 9:30 am - 11:30 am CST

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ROE 1 Tech Leadership Meeting

Wed. January 22, 2025 | 9:30 am - 11:30 am CST

You are invited to an open forum discussion on current educational technology topics and trends. This networking opportunity is open to all educational technology professionals, including technology directors, instructional technology coaches, and any other roles interested in exploring the present landscape of technology in our schools.

A brief presentation may start us off; however, most of the meeting will be dedicated to participant-led conversation, allowing attendees to share their experiences and challenges with the group.

We look forward to your valuable insights and contributions.

Focus Area
Technology Planning, Procurement, and Evaluation
Western Illinois
PD Hours


Western Illinois
PD Hours


Brown County Elementary School
501 NW Cross St
Mt. Sterling, IL 62353 United States
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Lisa Schwartz
Lisa Schwartz
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | West Central Region, Learning Technology Center