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Computer Science for the Non-Techie Teacher:Spark Curiosity in the K-5 Classroom

Fri. November 22, 2024 9:00 am - 2:30 pm CST

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Computer Science for the Non-Techie Teacher:Spark Curiosity in the K-5 Classroom

Fri. November 22, 2024 | 9:00 am - 2:30 pm CST

Ready to tap into your students’ natural love for technology and inspire a passion for problem-solving? Join our hands-on workshop, designed specifically for educators who may not have a computer science background. Discover how easy and fun it can be to introduce CS concepts in your K-5 classroom, even if you’re not a tech whiz!

We’ll guide you through Code.org‘s CS Fundamentals and CS Connections, plus other exciting resources, equipping you with practical strategies and boosting your confidence. You’ll walk away with a toolbox full of engaging activities that will capture the imaginations of your digital natives and foster a lifelong love for computer science.

Focus Area
Computer Science & STEM
Southern Illinois
PD Hours


Southern Illinois
PD Hours


ROE 21 Training Center
502 West Jackson Street
Marion, 62959
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Emily Flach
Emily Flach
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | Southern Region, Learning Technology Center