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Take STEM Learning to New Heights with Drones

Fri. April 11, 2025 9:00 am - 2:00 pm CDT

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Take STEM Learning to New Heights with Drones

Fri. April 11, 2025 | 9:00 am - 2:00 pm CDT

With plenty of uses in the ever-changing workforce, drones offer an engaging opportunity to teach our students real-world skills. With a drone in hand, your students’ STEM learning can truly take flight; all it takes is the right preparations and the right equipment.

Come discover what it takes to bring drones into the classroom as a part of this hands-on workshop. Participants will have the chance to ask questions and learn about essential drone terminology, as well as safety issues, legal concerns, operational requirements, and drone model options. With the basics down, educators will then try coding their own drone and discover strategies for implementing drones into new or existing STEM curriculums.

All paid attendees will also walk away an education drone of their own to make implementing their newfound drone knowledge even easier.

Focus Area
Classroom Integration
Eastern Illinois
PD Hours


Eastern Illinois
PD Hours


ROE 32: Iroquois/Kankakee
1 Stuart Dr
Kankakee, Illinois 60901 8947 USA
View on Google Maps


Matt Sherrill
Matt Sherrill
Regional Educational Technology Coordinator | East Central Region, Learning Technology Center