LTC Receives State Achievement Award from SETDA
June 16, 2021 (Champaign, IL) – The Learning Technology Center of Illinois (LTC) is proud to announce that it has been awarded the State Achievement Award for Professional Learning by the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA). This award recognizes the LTC’s ongoing efforts to serve all Illinois schools and educators as part of its Professional Learning Statewide System of Support.
SETDA’s State Achievement Awards, which were presented during the 2021 SETDA Emerging Trends Forum on June 15, 2021, celebrate and recognize the impact of significant edtech programs and projects while also offering proven frameworks that other leaders can utilize to effect positive change in their states.
“Our team continually seeks new opportunities to bring timely professional learning to educators, administrators, and IT leaders across our state,” says Tim McIlvain, LTC Executive Director. “This year, the LTC has facilitated 750+ events on relevant and high-need topics and supported over 24,000 participants through this work.”
The LTC’s professional learning support system includes numerous options designed to meet the evolving needs of today’s educators and educational institutions. Current event options include in-person and online networking meetings, regional and state workshops, webinars, online courses, in-district events, micro-credentials, administrator academies, and conferences.
To facilitate these programs, the LTC maintains a team of regional coordinators and statewide content experts that provide professional learning on a variety of topics – including remote education, digital learning, technology integration, leadership, and more. Together, they craft high-impact learning opportunities that address short and long-term needs while also advocating for effective instructional, assessment, and curricular practices.
“We’re grateful to SETDA for this recognition,” McIlvain added. “It reflects the vision, talent, and dedication of our staff and their drive to help Illinois students reach their full potential.”
About the Learning Technology Center
The Learning Technology Center is an Illinois State Board of Education program that supports all public K-12 districts, schools, and educators as they strive to maximize their use and access to educational technology. Through affordable technology initiatives, services, and professional learning opportunities, the LTC aims to grow Illinois’ edtech integration and improve educational opportunities for all Illinois students.
To learn more, visit us at our website or follow us on social media (@ltcillinois on Twitter and Facebook).
The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) is the principal association representing U.S. state and territorial educational technology and digital learning leaders. Through a broad array of programs and advocacy, SETDA builds member capacity and engages partners to empower the education community in leveraging technology for learning, teaching, and school operations.
For more information about SETDA, visit their website or follow them on Twitter.
The Learning Technology Center provides free and low-cost edtech professional learning, services, and support to all K-12 districts in Illinois.
Sam leads and supports the execution and growth of LTC services through the development and creation of innovative, impactful, and timely digital content.